On this page, we've organized research done by the entire CES team including CEMETS. You can find projects by topic or by location. We've included quick reads, CES studies, CES working papers, and published peer-reviewed journal articles.
What makes a VET program effective? We believe that the effectiveness of a labor-market-oriented education program depends on how well the education and employment systems share power over crucial decision-making processes throughout curriculum design, application, and updating. This linkage balances the information and resource asymmetries that would appear if either system had all the power. The research in this project traces the development of our education-employment linkage index (EELI), its application in numerous countries, and initial evidence that EELI scores are correlated with youth labor market outcomes.
Quick reads (infographics and blogposts)
- chevron_right Education-employment linkage index: Feasibility study
- chevron_right New infographic summary of the Colorado education-employment linkage index (EELI) study
- chevron_right EELI
- chevron_right From bright spots to a system
- chevron_right Colorado EELI
- chevron_right Countries' EELI Scores
- chevron_right Chile's TVET Strategy
Reports & publications
- external pagecall_made Meet the need - The role of vocational education and training for the youth labour market (Bolli et al., 2021). In: Kyklos, 74: 321-348
- chevron_right Meeting in the middle: TVET programs' education-employment linkage at different stages of development (Caves et al., 2021). In: Social Sciences, 10(6), 220
- external pagecall_made Beyond employer engagement: Measuring education-employment linkage in vocational education and training programmes (Bolli et al., 2018). In: Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 70(4), 524-563
- external pagecall_made The linkage between the education and employment systems: Ideal types of vocational education and training programs (Rageth & Renold, 2020). In: Journal of Education Policy, 35(4), 503-528
- chevron_right Education-employment linkage in Uzbekistan (Renold et al., 2021). In: CES Studies, 18
- chevron_right LELAM-TVET4INCOME: Synthesis of results from the first phase of the project (Acharya et al., 2020). In: LELAM Working Papers, 21
- chevron_right A configurational analysis of vocational education and training programmes: Types of education-employment linkage and their explanatory power (Rageth, 2018). In: Contemporary Apprenticeship Reforms and Reconfigurations, 35, 137
- chevron_right Goal-setting for TVET reform: A framework for identifying the ideal system in Nepal (Caves & Renold, 2018). In: Journal of Education and Research, 8(1), 1-22
- chevron_right Comparing international vocational education and training programs: The KOF Education-Employment Linkage Index. Includes a special section on applying the KOF EELI to VET policy (Renold et al., 2017). In: KOF Studies
- chevron_right From bright spots to a system: Measuring education-employment linkage in Colorado career and technical education (No. 87) (Renold et al., 2016). In: KOF Studies
- chevron_right Feasibility study for a curriculum comparison in vocational education and training. Intermediary report II: Education-Employment Linkage Index (No. 80) (Renold et al., 2016). In: KOF Studies
Why do companies offer training, especially if students might leave at the end? Companies train because they earn returns from training (Wolter & Muehlemann, 2006). They can earn returns during the apprenticeship through apprentices’ productivity, through saved hiring costs, or after the apprenticeship due to certain labor market conditions. Companies’ returns depend on program design decisions that shape their incentives and those of students. We have investigated how returns shape policy in a number of countries and programs.
Reports & publications
- chevron_right Dual TVET education in Chile: Why do companies train students? (de Amesti et al., 2021). In: LELAM Working Papers, 22
- chevron_right New dual education program in Serbia. Do benefits exceed costs for participating companies? (Bolli et al., 2021). In: CES Studies, 9
- external pagecall_made Firms’ method of pay and the retention of apprentices (Rinawi & Backes-Gellner, 2020). In: Oxford Economic Papers, Volume 72, Issue 1, 269–291
- chevron_right Projection of net benefits for companies in the dual VET-apprenticeship programme in Nepal (No. 145) (Bolli et al., 2020). In: KOF Studies
- chevron_right Does it pay for firms?: Costs and benefits of the SkillsFuture earn and learn programme in Singapore (Renold et al., 2018). In: KOF Studies, 115
- chevron_right The swiss vocational education and training system: What can Spain learn from Switzerland? (Oswald-Egg & Renold, 2015). In: KOF Working Papers
- external pagecall_made Return on investment of apprenticeship systems for enterprises: Evidence from cost-benefit analyses (Muehlemann & Wolter, 2014). In: IZA J Labor Policy, 3, 25
What do we mean when we talk about positive labor market outcomes for youth? The CES youth labor market index (YLMI) goes beyond just employment and unemployment, with twelve items in four dimensions that include activity state, working conditions, education and skills usage, and transition smoothness. The index is built on internationally comparable indicators and data sources, making it comparable across countries and longitudinally over time. We use it as a key outcome metric.
Quick reads & interactive webtool
Reports & publications
- chevron_right CES Youth Labor Market Index. Technical report (Kemper, 2022). In: CES Studies
- external pagecall_made No experience, no employment: The effect of vocational education and training work experience on labour market outcomes after higher education (Oswald-Egg & Renold, 2021). In: Economics of Education Review, 80
- chevron_right Meet the need: The role of vocational education and training for the youth labour market (No. 429) (Bolli et al., 2017). In: KOF Working Papers
YLMI releases
- chevron_right Youth Labor Market during Covid-19. First release of the CES Youth Labor Market Index (Zubovic et al., 2022). In: CES Studies, 26
- chevron_right Valuable experience: How university internships affect graduates' income (Bolli et al., 2021). In: Research in Higher Education, 62(8), pp. 1198-1247
- chevron_right Heterogeneity in education and training. Sixth release of the KOF Youth Labour Market Index (Pusterla & Oswald-Egg, 2019). In: KOF Studies, 143
- chevron_right Disentangling skills mismatch. Fifth release of the KOF Youth Labour Market Index (Pusterla et al., 2018). In: KOF Studies, 123
- chevron_right How active are youth? The interplay between education, youth unemployment, and inactivity. Fourth release of the KOF Youth Labour Market Index (Pusterla, 2017). In: KOF Studies, 97
- chevron_right The great recession and the working conditions of youth: A descriptive analysis of the european labour market. Third release of the KOF Youth Labour Market Index (Pusterla, 2016). In: KOF Studies, 83
- chevron_right How did the youth labour market situation evolve between 2012 and 2013? Second release of the KOF Youth Labour Market Index (Pusterla, 2015). In: KOF Studies, 67
- chevron_right Employer preferences for vocational over general education: evidence from an employer survey experiment (McDonald & Korber, 2023). In: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 83, pp. 100756
- chevron_right The labour market positioning of continuing education from universities: Evidence from a factorial survey experiment in Switzerland (Rageth et al., 2022). In: CES Working Papers, 11
- chevron_right Does familiarity with vocational and professional education shape employers’ educational preferences in hiring processes? (Rageth & Sritharan, 2022). In: CES Working Papers, 10
- chevron_right Evaluating the impact of general versus vocational education on labor market outcomes in Egypt by means of a regression discontinuity design (Bolli-Kemper & Renold, 2021). In: CES Working Papers
- chevron_right KOF Youth Labour Market Index for Scotland (Renold et al., 2018). In: KOF Studies
- chevron_right Employment protection and labor market outcomes (Kemper, 2017). Doctoral dissertation, ETH Zurich
- chevron_right On the multiple dimensions of youth labour markets: A guide to the KOF Youth Labour Market Index (Renold et al., 2014). In: KOF Studies, 51
Once reform leaders know where they want their education system to be, how do they get there? A lot of evidence exists to support evidence-based program design, but it’s harder to find an evidence-based answer to what reform leaders should do first. We are working on understanding the success factors and barriers to reform implementation in VET and education systems reforms.
Reports & publications
- external pagecall_made Getting there from here: A literature review on vocational education and training reform implementation (Caves et al., 2021). In: Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 73(1), 95-126.
- chevron_right An empirical case of education policy implementation in Serbian VET (Caves & Oswald-Egg, 2023). In: International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training, 10(2), 191-219
- chevron_right Drivers and barriers of implementing a dual VET program in Nepal (Bolli et al., 2023). In: Asian Education and Development Studies, 12(2/3), 195 - 207
- chevron_right Implementation of the Serbian law on dual education: Reflection report: Drivers and barriers in the implementation phase (Renold et al., 2021). In: CES Studies, 19
- chevron_right Constitutional reform and its impact on TVET governance in Nepal (Renold et al., 2021). In: Journal of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), 1(15), 30 - 46
- chevron_right Implementation of the Serbian law on dual education: Fourth report on drivers and barriers in the implementation phase (Renold et al., 2021). In: CES Studies, 14
- chevron_right Drivers and barriers of scaling-up the dual VET apprenticeship programme in Nepal (Bolli et al., 2020). In: CES Studies, 10
- chevron_right Implementation of the Serbian law on dual education: Third report on drivers and barriers in the implementation phase (Renold et al., 2020). In: CES Studies, 8
- chevron_right Implementation of the Serbian law on dual education: Second report on barriers and drivers in the implementation phase (Renold et al., 2020). In: CES Studies, 4
- chevron_right Implementation of the Serbian law on dual education: First report on drivers and barriers in the pre-implementation phase (Renold et al., 2019). In: KOF Studies, 129
- chevron_right Constitutional reform and its impact on TVET governance in Nepal: Second report in support of developing understanding and finding the way forward for federalising the TVET sector in Nepal (Renold et al., 2018). In: KOF Studies, 114
Why do employers choose to start training? Although their costs and benefits of training summarize why employers stay in training programs, joining new or reforming programs might require a more complex set of motives. In this strain of research, we investigate why companies choose to start training—skills gaps, social interest, etc.—and how that varies across places. One of the most consistent motivations employers have is the comparative advantage of the workplace over schools as a learning environment for crucially important “soft” or transferable skills.
Reports & publications
- chevron_right Determinants and consequences of employer-provided training program resilience post-Covid-19 (Caves & McDonald, 2023). In: Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training, 15(2), 1-21.
- chevron_right The employer’s dilemma: Employer engagement and progress in vocational education and training reforms (Caves & Renold, 2016). In: KOF Working Papers, 423
- chevron_right Training for growth: Skills shortage and companies' willingness to train in Colorado. An application of the KOF willingness to train survey (Renold et al., 2017). In: KOF Studies, 94
- external pagecall_made Comparative advantages of school and workplace environment in skill acquisition. In Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship (Bolli & Renold, 2017). In: Evidence-based HRM, 5, 2049 - 3983
- chevron_right The Swiss vocational education and training system: What can Spain learn from Switzerland? (Oswald-Egg & Renold, 2015). In: KOF Working Papers, 383
What are the system-level conditions that enable program success? Even the best program cannot attract students and help them achieve success without further pathways, permeability, good governance, and other key factors. Research in this strain examines the characteristics of good governance and how those vary across contexts, legal conditions surrounding successful education systems, and permeability.
Reports & publications
- chevron_right Governance of TVET in Uzbekistan: Series: Governance of Education Systems (Renold et al., 2022). In: CES Studies, 31
- chevron_right Constitutional reform and its impact on TVET governance in Nepal (Renold et al., 2021). In: Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), 30
- chevron_right External evaluation: National vocational qualifications system project (Caves & Renold, 2019). In: KOF Studies, 126
- chevron_right Constitutional reform and its impact on TVET governance in Nepal: Second report in support of developing understanding and finding the way forward for federalising the TVET sector in Nepal (Renold et al., 2018). In: KOF Studies, 114
- chevron_right Goal-setting for TVET reform: A framework for identifying the ideal system in Nepal (Caves & Renold, 2018). In: Journal of Education and Research, 8(1), 1 - 22
- chevron_right Analysis of challenges to strengthening the Serbian dual VET system (Renold & Oswald-Egg, 2017). In: KOF Studies, 103
- chevron_right Constitutional reform and its impact on TVET governance in Nepal. A report in support of developing understanding and finding the way forward for federalizing the TVET sector in Nepal (Caves & Renold, 2017). In: KOF Studies, 89
- chevron_right Pacific Alliance countries: Policy framework report on vocational education and training (Renold et al., 2017). In: KOF Studies, 96
What makes education systems more equitable? Education and training are major drivers of important outcomes like employment, earnings, health, and social status-among many others. However, the characteristics and construction of education systems dramatically affect who has access to these benefits. We explore how systemic and program factors like permeability relate to more and less equitable outcomes.
Quick reads
- chevron_right Education Without Dead Ends (Permeability blog 1/3)
- chevron_right Why Permeability Matters (Permeability blog 2/3)
- chevron_right Building better education systems: assessing, improving and sustaining permeability (Permeability blog 3/3)
- chevron_right Education Systems and Systemic Racism
- chevron_right Building Permeability: Modern Reforms in Switzerland
- chevron_right Functional Differentiation and Permeability
Reports & publications
- chevron_right Vocational training and employment outcomes of domestic violence survivors: Evidence from Chihuahua City (Au Yong Lyn, 2022). In: International Journal of Educational Development, 89
- chevron_right Does time since arrival have an effect on immigrants’ preferences for vocational education and training programs in Switzerland? (Bolli & Rageth, 2022). In: International Migration Review, 0(0)
- chevron_right The social status of vocational education and training in Switzerland (Bolli et al., 2019). In: KOF Working Papers, 451
- chevron_right Measuring the social status of education programmes: Applying a new measurement to dual vocational education and training in Switzerland (Bolli & Rageth, 2016). In: KOF Working Papers, 403
Can education and training contribute to income, youth labor market success, and economic development? The LELAM-TVET4INCOME project is a multi-year project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation that investigates these questions across development stages by focusing on Nepal, Benin, Costa Rica, and Chile. You can learn more on that project’s website.
Link to LELAM website
What effects did the COVID-19 pandemic have on apprenticeship training in Switzerland? Starting in the first lockdown in April 2020, the CES team began collecting, processing, and reporting data monthly on the situation of Swiss apprentices during the COVID-19 pandemic. That project is run by the CES Swiss Education Lab. You can find English-language information here and external page full details in German and French here.
Reports & publications
- chevron_right Working from home is here to stay, but how does it affect learning processes? Evidence from Swiss training firms during the COVID19 pandemic (Bolli & Morlet, 2022). In: CES Working Papers, 8
- chevron_right The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on apprentice training: Evidence from Swiss panel data (Au Yong Lyn, 2022). In: CES Working Paper Series, 13
- chevron_right Skills, employer-provided training, and the COVID-19 pandemic (Caves & McDonald, 2021). In: CES Studies, 19
The Swiss system is one of the best in the world, what can we learn from that? We use the Swiss education system as an example of the power of evidence-based reform over time and a demonstration of key best practices. No education program or system can be copied and pasted, but the Swiss case is an excellent proof of concept. We have some research that examines the Swiss system or explains some of its key characteristics for an international audience.
Reports & publications
- chevron_right Initial vocational education and training (VET) in fashion design: Information brochure (Au Yong Lyn et al., 2023). In: CES Studies, 36
- chevron_right The social status of vocational education and training in Switzerland (Bolli et al., 2018). In: KOF Studies, 110
- chevron_right Comparing international vocational education and training programs: The KOF Education-Employment Linkage Index.call_made Includes a special section on applying the KOF EELI to VET policy (Renold et al., 2017). In: KOF Studies, 98
- chevron_right Measuring the social status of education programmes: Applying a new measurement to dual vocational education and training in Switzerland (Bolli & Rageth, 2016). In: KOF Working Papers, 403
- chevron_right The Swiss vocational education and training system: What can Spain learn from Switzerland? (Oswald-Egg & Renold, 2015). In: KOF Working Papers, 383
Link to SEL website for more info (in German/French)
As technology develops, education systems struggle to keep up. This research explores how education and training can best prepare young people for a dynamic labor market. One key factor is work-based learning in VET programs, which allows employers to train young people at the forefront of technology when curriculum processes might not be able to adapt quickly enough.
Reports & publications
- chevron_right Decomposing the effects of digitalization on workers’ job satisfaction (Bolli & Pusterla, 2022). In: International Review of Economics, 69(2), pp. 263-300
- chevron_right Does ICT affect the demand for vocationally educated workers? (Pusterla & Renold, 2022). In: Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 158(1), pp. 22
- chevron_right Is technological change really skills-biased? Firm-level evidence of the complementarities between ICT and workers' education (Bolli & Pusterla, 2021). In: Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 32(1), pp. 69-91
Country Factbooks
How different are education systems throughout the world? CES has been systematically compiling education system factbooks since 2013. We are constantly updating and adding new factbooks that compile and present key information on countries’ education systems and youth labor markets in a consistent format. These let readers quickly absorb and compare education systems and are our starting point for understanding new and dynamic systems.
CES Factbook list
Projects by place
![CEMETS MAP](/research_new/_jcr_content/par/image_1638437542/image.imageformat.1286.1369221497.jpg)
Reports & publications
- Sourou, N. G., Gandonou, E., Bankole, R., & Renold, U. (2020). Reforms of Technical Vocational Education and Training system in Benin: An exploration of social anthro-pological field. LELAM Working Papers, vol. 15, Zurich: KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich.
- Bankole, R., Nouatin, G., Gandonou, E. (2020). The Dual Apprenticeship in Benin: Strategic Actors and Roles. LELAM Working Papers, vol. 18, Zurich: KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich.
- Kudrzycki, B., Günther, I., Chogou, S., Bankolé, R. (2020). The Working Lives of 1250 Urban Youth in Benin. LELAM Working Papers, vol. 14, Zurich: KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich.
- Nouatin, G., Bankole, R., Gandonou, E., Bolli-Kemper, J. M., & Maldonado-Mariscal, K. (2019). Country Case Study on Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Benin. LELAM Working Paper, 9.
Quick reads
Reports & publications
- de Amesti, J., Bordón, P., & Bolli, T. (2023). external page Dual TVET education in Chile: why do companies train students? Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 75(5), 1013-1032, DOI: 10.1080/13636820.2021.1995468
- Peralta, M., Quiero, M., Canales, A., & Maldonado, L. (2020). The effects of Professional Technical High School Education when applying to study for STEM undergraduate degrees at Chilean universities. A causal analysis based on observational data. LELAM Working Papers, Vol. 19. Zurich: KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich
- Peralta Rojas, M., Bordón Tapia, P., Kemper, J. M., & Maldonado-Mariscal, K. (2020). Country case study on Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Chile. LELAM Working Papers, Vol. 6. Zurich: KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich.
- Renold, U., Caves, K. M., Kemper, J., & Egg, M. E. (2017). external page Pacific Alliance countries: Policy framework report on vocational education and training (No. 96). KOF Studien.
Reports & publications
- Camacho-Calvo, S., García-Fallas, J., Kemper, J. M., Maldonado-Mariscal, K., & Vargas-Porras, A. (2019). Country case study on Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Costa Rica. LELAM Working Papers, Vol. 8. Zurich: KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich.
Quick reads
Reports & publications
- Bolli, T., Bolli-Kemper, J. M., Parajuli, M. N., Renold, U., & Thapa, B. K. (2023). external page Drivers and Barriers of Implementing a Dual VET Program in Nepal. Asian Education and Development Studies, vol. 12: no. 2/3, pp. 195-207. DOI: 10.1108/AEDS-08-2022-0111
- Bolli, T., Kemper, J., Parajuli, M. N., Renold, U., & Thapa, B. K. (2020). external page Projection of net benefits for companies in the dual VET-apprenticeship programme in Nepal (No. 145). KOF Studien.
- Bolli, T., Bolli-Kemper, J. M., Parajuli, M. N., Renold, U., & Thapa, B. K. (2020). external page Drivers and Barriers of Scaling-Up the Dual VETApprenticeship Programme in Nepal. CES Studies, 10.
- Baral, D. P. (2020). Developing a Typology of Informal Skills Learning Places in Nepal. LELAM Working Papers, vol. 17, Zurich: KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich.
- Parajuli, M. N., Renold, U., Bhandari, U., & Lamsal, H. P. (2020). Financial flow in TVET in Nepal: Transiting from the old to the new constitution (No. 10). Working Paper.
- Paudel, P., Acharya, L., J. M., Parajuli, (2020). Students’ Perspective on the Master in Technical and Vocational Education and Training Program in Nepal. LELAM Working Papers, vol. 16, Zurich: KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich.
- Caves, K., & Renold, U. (2019). external page External evaluation: National Vocational Qualifications System project (No. 126). KOF Studies.
- Bolli, T., Bolli-Kemper, J. M., Parajuli, M. N., Renold, U., & Thapa, B. K. (2019). external page First Report on the Dual Vet-Apprenticeship Programme in Nepal: Formative Assessment of the First Cohort. KOF Studies, 135.
- Baral, D. P., Kemper, J. M., & Maldonado-Mariscal, K. (2019). Country case study on technical vocational education and training (TVET) in Nepal (Vol. 7). LELAM Working Papers.
- Caves, K., & Renold, U. (2019). external page External Evaluation: National Vocational Qualifications System Project (No. 126). KOF Studien.
- Baral, D. P. (2019). Positioning Informal Skills Learners in Nepal's TVET System. LELAM Working Papers, vol. 4, Zurich: KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich.
- Bolli, T., Parajuli, M. N., & Renold, U. (2019). Has the relationship between formal education and the formal employment sector in Nepal changed between 1995 and 2014? LELAM Working Papers, vol. 1, Zurich: KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich, 2019.
- Caves, K. & Renold, U. (2018). external page Goal-setting for TVET reform: A framework for identifying the ideal system in Nepal. Journal of Education and Research, 8(1), 1-22.
- Renold, U., Bolli, T., & Caves, K. (2018). external page Constitutional reform and its impact on TVET governance in Nepal: Second report in support of developing understanding and finding the way forward for federalising the TVET sector in Nepal (No. 114). KOF Studies.
Quick reads
Reports & publications
- Caves, K., & McDonald, P. (2021). Skills, Employer-Provided Training, and the COVID-19 Pandemic. CES Studies, 19.
- Caves, K., Renold, U., & Backes-Gellner, U. (2018). external page System of opportunity: Permeable education and training in Colorado (No. 124). KOF Studien.
- Renold, U., Bolli, T., Caves, K., Bürgi, J., Egg, M. E., Kemper, J., & Rageth, L. (2017). external page Comparing international vocational education and training programs: The KOF Education-Employment Linkage Index. Includes a special section on applying the KOF EELI to VET policy. KOF Studien. No. 98, ETH Zurich, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, Zurich.
- Renold, U., Caves, K., Bolli, T., & Bürgi, J. (2016). external page From bright spots to a system: Measuring education-employment linkage in Colorado career and technical education (No. 87). KOF Studies.
Quick reads
- Building Permeability: Modern Reforms in Switzerland
- New Report on the Social Status of VET in Switzerland
Reports & publications
- Au Yong Lyn, A., Bolli, T., Ladina, L., Renold, U. & Sritharan, A. (2023). Initial vocational education and training (VET) in fashion design: Information brochure. CES Studies, 36
- Bolli, T., & Rageth, L. (2022). external page Does Time Since Arrival have an Effect on Immigrants’ Preferences for Vocational Education and Training Programs in Switzerland? International Migration Review, 0(0).
- Bolli, T., Rageth, L., & Renold, U. (2019). external page The Social Status of Vocational Education and Training in Switzerland. KOF Working Papers, 451.
- Renold, U., Bolli, T., Caves, K., Bürgi, J., Egg, M. E., Kemper, J., & Rageth, L. (2017). external page Comparing international vocational education and training programs: The KOF Education-Employment Linkage Index. Includes a special section on applying the KOF EELI to VET policy. KOF Studien. No. 98, ETH Zurich, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, Zurich.
- Renold, U., Caves, K. M., Kemper, J., & Egg, M. E. (2017). external page Pacific Alliance countries: Policy framework report on vocational education and training (No. 96). KOF Studien.
- Bolli, T., & Rageth, L. (2016). external page Measuring the Social Status of Education Programmes: Applying a New Measurement to Dual Vocational Education and Training in Switzerland.
- Oswald-Egg, M. E., & Renold, U. (2015). external page The Swiss Vocational Education and Training System: What Can Spain Learn from Switzerland?
Reports & publications
- Caves, K. M., & Oswald-Egg, M. E. (2023). external page An Empirical Case of Education Policy Implementation in Serbian VET. International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training, 10(2), 191–219.
- Renold, U., Caves, K., Oswald-Egg, M. E., & Zubovic, A. (2021). Implementation of the Serbian Law on Dual Education: Reflection Report: Drivers and Barriers in the Implementation Phase. CES Studies, 19.
- Caves, K., & Oswald-Egg, M. E. (under review). external page Storming and Forming: A Case Study of Education Policy Implementation. KOF Working Papers, 477. Under review at Journal of Vocational Education and Training.
- Bolli, T., Caves, K. M., Pusterla, F., & Renold, U. (2021). external page New Dual Education Program in Serbia. Do Benefits exceed Costs for Participating Companies? CES Studies, 9.
- Renold, U., Caves, K. M., & Oswald-Egg, M. E. (2021). external page Implementation of the Serbian Law on Dual Education: Fourth Report on Drivers and Barriers in the Implementation Phase. CES Studies, 14.
- Renold, U., Caves, K. M., Oswald-Egg, M. E., Maldonado-Mariscal, K., Markovic, J., Veselinovic, Z., & Todorovic, M. (2020). external page Implementation of the Serbian Law on Dual Education: Second Report on Barries and Drivers in the Implementation Phase (Vol. 4). CES Studies.
- Renold, U., Caves, K. M., Oswald-Egg, M. E., Markovic, J., Veselinovic, Z., & Todorovic, M. (2020). external page Implementation of the Serbian Law on D0ual Education: Third Report on Drivers and Barriers in the Implementation Phase. CES Studies, 8.
- Renold, U., Caves, K. M., Maldonado, K., Oswald-Egg, M. E., Markovic, J., Veselinovic, Z., Stankovic, D., Ceneric, I., & Todorovic, M. (2019). external page Implementation of the Serbian law on dual education: First report on drivers and barriers in the pre-implementation phase (No. 129). KOF Studies.
- Renold, U., & Oswald-Egg, M. E. (2017). external page Analysis of challenges to strengthening the Serbian dual VET system (No. 103). KOF Studien.
Reports & publications
- Renold, U., Bolli, T., & Wolter, S. (2018). external page Does it Pay for Firms?: Costs and Benefits of the SkillsFuture Earn and Learn Programme in Singapore. KOF Studies, 115.
- Renold, U., Bolli, T., Caves, K., Bürgi, J., Egg, M. E., Kemper, J., & Rageth, L. (2017). external page Comparing international vocational education and training programs: The KOF Education-Employment Linkage Index. Includes a special section on applying the KOF EELI to VET policy. KOF Studien. No. 98, ETH Zurich, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, Zurich.
Reports & publications
- Bolli-Kemper, J. M., & Renold, U. (2021). external page Evaluating the Impact of General Versus Vocational Education on Labor Market Outcomes in Egypt by Means of a Regression Discontinuity Design. CES Working Papers, 5.
Reports & publications
- Renold, U., Bolli, T., Oswald-Egg, M. E., & Pusterla, F. (2018). external page KOF Youth Labour Market Index for Scotland. KOF Studies, 117.
Reports & publications
- Renold, U., Caves, K., & Zubovic, A. (2022). Governance of TVET in Uzbekistan: Series: Governance of Education Systems. CES Studies, vol. 31.
- Renold, U., Caves, K., & Zubovic, A., (2021). Education-Employment Linkage in Uzbekistan. CES Studies, 18.
Reports & publications
- Benin, Chile, Costa Rica, Nepal: Caves, K., Ghisletta, A., Kemper, J., McDonald, P., & Renold, U., (2021). external page Meeting in the Middle: TVET Programs’ Education–Employment Linkage at Different Stages of Development. Social Sciences, 10(6), 220.
- Benin, Chile, Costa Rica, Nepal: Caves, K., Ghisletta, A., Renold, U., & Kemper, J. (2019). external page Meeting in the middle: TVET programs' education-employment linkage in developing contexts (No. 460). KOF Working Papers.
- Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Peru: Renold, U., Caves, K. M., Kemper, J., & Egg, M. E. (2017). external page Pacific Alliance countries: Policy framework report on vocational education and training (No. 96). KOF Studien.
How do we meaningfully compare education programs across very diverse contexts? Every education program has to carry out certain functions in curriculum design, application, and feedback. However, the way those functions are carried out can differ dramatically. Social institutions that serve the same function might look completely different, making it hard to accurately compare them from the outside. Therefore, we start with the functions and use those to find the social institutions, then compare at that equivalent level.
Reports & publications
chevron_right Operationalizing institutions: a theoretical framework and methodological approach for assessing the robustness of social institutions (Rageth et al., 2021). In: International Review of Sociology, 31:3, 507 - 535Other